What do you think I need to do now?

I’m sorry that its a bit long but could you please help me? Alright, so me and my fiance love each other very very much. Close to the end of last year she moved extremely far away and she’ll be there for a few years. So all we do for the time being is talk on the phone for two hours or more a day and text each other. But in the last couple weeks I’ve become overwhelmingly busy and haven’t been able to talk on the phone as much. Yesterday I was in school around the time we call each other and before she would call me I texted her saying I might not be able to talk on the phone tonight and that I loved her so much. So she said okay and that she would talk to me when ever I got the time. So I said I was really sorry and she texted back “whatever”. I asked her what’s wrong and she then said “Nothing, I’ll just talk to you whenever you get the time like always”. I’m really terrified of losing her and the way she talked made her sound really angry at me. She wouldn’t normally talk like that to me. The reason I’m so afraid of losing her is because she left me once before, and some things happened after that between us in the year before we got back together. I’m stressed out about the whole thing and when I’m stressed I get sick to my stomach and want to throw up. When these kinds of things happen, it makes me feel like I’ve been a bad fiance and adds to my already depressed mood. I don’t know how to truly let her know that I love her with all my heart and that she’s my everything when she’s thousands of miles away and I cant even hold her in my arms or kiss her to make sure she knows everything will be alright. What should I do?

Answer #1

Well firstly I can tell you that your fiance was a bit upset that your too busy for her, thats why she said “I’ll just talk to you whenever you get the time like always.”. She’’s literally saying, you don’t have time for me anymore, and that shes feeling like you dont want to atleast spend time with her by talking to her over the phone. This could make her even more upset especially when she has moved very far away from you and has no chance of seeing you or hug you and tell you that its upsetting her that she cant have you there with her to give her the kiss and hugs you want to give her.

Just tell her its also upsetting you, but things are really stressing you out in school and you need to work on them, its not that because you dont want to talk to her or that you dont miss her as much but it just really needs to be done and she should understand. Tell her how much you miss her and want her there when your doing you school things so she’ll know that you do wish that shes with you too and that you do think of her.

Just tell her everything you want her to know at that moment, and like when she moves back and get married you’ll live together and will spend all your time together and not over the phone but on the couch talking, laughing while watching a movie. Just tell her this things to comfort her and she’ll do the same thing to you :)

I hope this helps :)

Answer #2

you need to be stronger. one of my boyfriends sangings are, “do things that help you grow stronger in body and mind.” right now I believe that is your main problem. being to weak in spirit. also, you should not let the distance affect you. my boyfriend and I have been together almost a year and its long distance. we love eachother so much it doesnt bother us. if she leavs you for distance she isnt worth it. okay, so you said she said things to you like “whatever” and “nothing” ? well maybe this was only because she was busy and didnt really have time to text a reply. or maybe she was a bit frustrated that you were so stressed about the thing. im thinking that she may just be frustrated that you are not acting stronger. you should just talk to her about how you feel. and work this out with her. hope this helps

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