How to get over it

I am 19 I was raped at 5 7 14 and 15 years old I still cant get over it as it was family and family friend that did it I cant talk to my boyfriend as I have try that and seen him upset just make me worst and I have noone else to talk to I have try to kill my self about 10 time I just cant take it anymore can anyone help me

Answer #1

please contact the rape crisis line, someone to talk to, its usually a lot easier to talk with someone you dont know, also I am here if you want to talk anytime x

Answer #2

try a therapist if you can…you can funmail me if you want to. I understand what its like to have no one to talk to– it sucks.

Answer #3

Hun, yopu should go to therapy or somthing. Dont kill youself. Your way to beautiful for that. But you should try the police too!!!

Answer #4

I was raped when I was younger to so I no how you feel . I tried to kill my self also and now I no what a big mistake that was. killing your sel;f is deffnitly not hate the answer. a theropist might help but in somecases it wont. you need to get past this but only you can push yuor self to get past it. but you will need support. find someone you can trust and will under satnd you. if family of friends can’t help as you can see any of us would be more then happy to help you through this. I wish you the best of luck…

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