How to you make your hair wavy?

I really need some ideas on how to make my hyair wavy! I tried braiding before I went to sleep…nothing happened!! Does anyone have any ideas on how to make your hair wavy?

Answer #1

Dont brush or comb your hair for one week. Use your Fingers. Last year I have Curly frizzy and dry hair my mom recommend for this its superb

Answer #2

Brush your hair. Wash it and towel dry but do not brush it again. Flip your head over and put a top knot in your hair and then blow dry. Take your hair down and just lightly run your fingers thru it. Use hair spray if you want. You can also leave it dry naturally over nite too. I do that quite often and I have really thick hair.

Answer #3

you need to wet your hair, or have a shower and then put your hair in plats. leave it to dry like that overnight and take it out in the morning. that should definantly get you some waves!

Answer #4

Make sure you do this on a day that isn’t humid. Moisture in the air will kill the waves.

Answer #5

wash your hair really well the day before you make waves, the day you make the waves, braid your hair, make sure you get all of it! Make sure you don’t braid with thick strands, the waves won’t hol if you do. Make them small and tight. Once you fully braid your hair, wet it and dry it on high at a medium temp., if you have a hairt net, or shower cap, sleep with that over your braids.Before you go to sleep, make sure your braids have been untouched for atleast 2-3 hours. When you make up in the morning, do all of your make-up and what ever else you do in the morning… if you have the shower cap, it’s pretty safe to shower, unless your hair doesn’t do well in humidity, in which case, DON’T SHOWER. Don’t shower in a hair net obviously. Once you a fully ready, make sure your hair has been out of the net or shower cap for at least 25 min. before taking it down. Before you DO take it down, flip your head over and spray your hair with hair spray, not too much. Then flip your head right-side-up and spray. Let the hair spray dry for 5 min. and then take your hair down. When you take your hir down, run ONE finger through the middle of each braid. Then spray each lock once and let it dry. Shake your head gently, and gently run your fingers through your hair. Run a less-than-dime-sized drop of hair gel through the locks. By the time your done, you should have pretty waves.

Answer #6

For African american hair : Wash your hair only with conditoner , Next Blow dry it . and braid it into little conrows . Wear it that way for atleast 1-3 days. Take out the braids , & put some gel around your hair and fluff it around for the waves to fall . after keep on a cap and take it off before you go to bed . ;

Answer #7

if you want your hair wavey do what I’ve just done, wet your hair, plait it all but it in bands and when you wake up in the morning take them out, and put mouse in it 2 keep the waves in, it works really well 4 me! xx

Answer #8

what you do I you mix salt with water in a spray bottle then you spary your hair with it and the you twist it and blow dry it while its in the twist…I’ve dont it befor and it works for mee…good luck :)

Answer #9

What I do, is after you take a shower, dry hair slightly and braid hair as high as you can get it really tightly. (also add some volumizing spray, mouse etc.) and blow dry braids for a little, sleep on it. And in the mornign take them out, shake your head around and your good!

Answer #10

Honestly I always style my hair for school and it looks teriffic. Here are steps on what I do when I want to Scrunch my hair.

1)Wet hair, use shampoo/conditioner 2)towel dry hair. Make sure to leave hair a little damp. 3)throw hair in a messy bun for 15 mins. 4)take messy bun out. 5)use mousse And conditioner spray if needed. 6)use mousse on bottom ends of hair. 7)scrunch hair for 5-8 mins. or put both sides up in mini buns for 5 mins and then take out. Then you should be all perfect.

Answer #11

Okay, I reallyy need help! Naturally, I have curly short (ish) hair, and tomorrow I want it wavy. how do I do that? I dont know what to do!!! HELP!!!

Answer #12

Okay, rule number one: wash your hair the day before you braid it, not the day of. Rinse your hair and condition it, but don’t use shampoo. Then while it’s wet, comb some styling mousse through it with your fingers and blow dry straight. Put in French pigtails or several tiny braids (I usually go with three French braids) and sleep on them. In the morning, put a plastic shower cap over your hair and heat with a blow drier on medium for about three to five minutes. MAKE SURE YOUR HAIR IS COMPLETELY COOL before you take the braids out. Don’t brush your hair, but comb through it gently with your fingers to separate the locks, and then spritz generously with extra-hold hairspray (I always joke that I put holes in the ozone every time I do this). I like Tresemme hairspray because it doesn’t make your hair rock hard and doesn’t make it look greasy. If this doesn’t work for you, then I’m at loss as to how to help your. Good luck!

Answer #13

MY sister used to make my hair wavy,curly…it did look good.Just take a hair gel and put it in your hair,then rub strong the gel into your hair… wait for some time to let your hair dry…if you know what I mean…

Answer #14

well a easy quik way I do it is take a couple elastics and put your hair in a pony then another one a inch down and so on make sure your hair is wet tho then let it dry and by the time its dry itll be wavy!

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