How to let this guy down?

Well I know this guy and he likes me a lot. I’m already taken and I’ve tried to tell him and he doesnt listen. He even tried getting me in a room and getting on top of me :/. I dont want to tell my boyfriend cause him and my boyfriend are good friends. What should I do? If I have to tell my boyfriend how should I tell him?

Answer #1

Ok I guess there’s no getting around telling my boyfriend then. I just dont want a big fight. I just want this guy to leave me and my boyfriend alone.

Answer #2

u should probably tell your boyfriend or at least a friend…not dealing with this situation can lead to a messy result either way…trust me on that…I had the same problem so I can sympathize…don’t just assume he will leave you alone…cause chances are he won’t

Answer #3

Well it looks like they are not just good friends because of what he is doing to you. Tell your boyfriend and let him know what is going on. Wha will he try the next time? To rape you or something? Something has to be done, meaby even your mom or an adult that can help you out with this. But I think that your boyfriend has a right to know so he dosen’t stay friends with the guy that is going to hurt you, and meaby him.

Answer #4

I would tell someone especially anyone that can directly make it stop. Him trying to get on top of you when you don’t want him to is not good. There may be a time when it goes to far. I know people do not want to think that and some will say they can handle it. But there is a reason people through time have reported rapes and attempted rapes. I would also tell your boyfriend before something is said by the guy or someone the guy has talked to. The last thing you need is to have to deal with defending yourself for matters you never did.

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