How to tell if a girl likes me?

Um… I just wanted to know how to know if a girl likes me because there a couple girls that keep looking at me and when I look back they look away real fast(I think its cute:)) so do they like me?

Answer #1

well you cant really know with just looking at you if they like you. It could mean anything but when they starts giving more signs then we can tell for sure that they like you. Right now though I think that they like you and you should try to talk to them and see what happens usually the guy is the person who breaks the ice.

Answer #2

take it from a girl who does this daily,

 if they smile at you when you r or aren't looking, they like u
 if they always happen to look at you when you aren't looking, they like u

this may not apply to every girl, but many of them, good luck!=D Listen 2 kattie, she seems to know this stuff

Answer #3

well they could think your cute or doing something weird lol. if you talk to them and they laugh a lot and play with their hair and bite their lip ect. then they could like you.I need more information in order to tell you if they like you… hope I helped ~Kaitlyn~

Answer #4

she diggs you that’s a flirting move

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