How to tell him to slow down?

So, I am dating a new guy. I told him I want to take it slow, and he said he agrees. But then he didn’t want to stop last night when I was ready to stop. How can I bring it up with him without making a huge deal. I’m not a prude, I just don’t want to rush it.

Answer #1

Just tell him that you don’t wanna rush the relationship. That maybe in a few months he can get where he wants to go with you. Tell himthe truth about how you feel.

Answer #2

Dear octobersun, This is a huge deal…and you need to make it one. A person who continues anything when the other person says no is abuse and that should be enough for you to reconsider this relationship. Before you engage in anything sexual very deep and long conversations are necessary…if this isn’t happening then you are not ready for this type of relationship. Make it clear, when you say no it’s no…if you do not stop you will no longer continue a relationship with him. Sue…good luck

Answer #3

What you do is tell him you’re not ready before you start doing anything. Don’t beat around the bush, don’t worry about what he’ll think of you. You’re not ready, you tell him NO! If he doesn’t listen, he’s not worth it. He should respect you above all else, and that includes waiting until you are ready to do ANYTHING! After the talk, if he doesn’t respect your wishes to stop, leave immediately and don’t go back. Hope this helps!

Answer #4

You simply keep telling him NO. If he doesnt want to respect your feelings, then maybe he just isnt the right guy for you!

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