How to taime your hair?

I have a really big cowslick and its really anoying so I have to use dead loads of hair spray and my hair gets really knotty because of that how do you taime so I dont have to use about half a can of haispray… Girl in need please help…x

Answer #1

Heyy, Okayy its all on how you take care of your hair…

Make sure you always get your dead ends trimed. When you wash your hair shampoo twice hold in for 2 mins and conditioner leave in for 5 mins. Blow dry completly, and hold the dryer above you head pushing the hair to be straightened until completly dry. In the morning, after ajusting your hair to a straightner or curling ar as is, take a smidge of lotion in your hand and run through your hair it. No need for hair spray.. to exspensive and really dosent work pluse we need volume hair spray just glues your hair down not very attractive.

Answer #2

first wash you hair and then you should go to the hair solon

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