How to seduce my ex?

how do I seduce my ex in a manersble way because I only see him in school. Yes, its the one I talked about in my last question. I want him back? Can you help x x

Answer #1

haha if sum 1 answers this I want 2 know because I deff real the same way bout my ex lol

Then why did you dump him? or did he dump you and you just lied to me…


Answer #2

Nope… you’re more likely OBSESSED with him…

And if after everything you’ve said about him, and all the advice that’s been given; you STILL can’t see reasons why you should stop pursuing him… then… go ahead… enjoy the pain… you’ll certainly deserve it…

Answer #3

Well, you need to start looking in another direction. It doesnt matter what your friends say, or think. That shouldnt have made you start liking him again.

Answer #4

You have to buck-up and MAKE yourself avoid him. No seeing, talking, thinking, obsessing, etc…

(fyi: concentrate on the first two, the other two will come on their own)

Answer #5

im not desperate for him, yeah I can see what ure sayin and I no he treated me badly but its just annoyin because all of my friends said they thought I fancied him again when I didnt and now I sort of do again :/

Answer #6

ok, so you say you want to seduce him, why not just be his friend, and let things grow from there, they could possibly escalte from there, and if they dont again, it wasnt meant to be. :]

Answer #7

We went out a few times. I dumpd him da first time and e dumpd me da 2nd and 3 rd time :(

Answer #8

Whenever a relationship ends, its for a good reason. Especially after 4 tries. You and him obviously are not meant to be together. He dumped you for another girl, then was mean to you after, now because hes being nice to you again, you want him back? Nobody should be that desperate. There are tons of boys out there. Find one who is compatible with you, and treats you with more respect.

Answer #9

ok Thanx x x

Answer #10

Its not love, its desperation.

Answer #11

but I no when he likes someone. I can’t help it if I’m in love with him.

Answer #12

Wow… If he’s through with you… Then he’s through with you… MOVE ON!

Answer #13

Whoa… you’re just a glutton for punishment. And I suppose you haven’t been listening to any of our advice, either.

Answer #14

haha if sum 1 answers this I want 2 know because I deff real the same way bout my ex lol

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