How to screamo for a dummy?

ok Im trying to learn to do screaming, like the proper one. every site I’ve looked at so far just doesnt make sense! can someone tell me what to do in very simple terms and tell me what Ill sound like when I start so Ill know if Im doing it right or not? p.s I dont want to do that shitty pig squeal thing it sux lol

Answer #1

Oh my… xx_the_a7x_parade_xx gave a lot of advice! I don’t know that much about how to screamo… but sounds like they do! Good for them on giving such good advice… wow… Sounds like if you need any help you should go to them! :)

Answer #2

Do you know Mourisio Jackson? Write them and they’d help you.If you want …send me fun mail,

Answer #3

Screamo sounds great when done properly. Start out with short, practice type screams. Experiment with different pitches and such. Be sure to practice daily. When you first start out, you won’t sound perfect. You might sqeak a little lol but it’s natural. Your not used to it yet so it’ll take some time before you sound the way you want. Don’t give up! If it’s something you REALLY want to do, keep practicing and you’ll start sounding exactly how you want =] Screamo is NOT for everyone… some people just don’t have the voice for it which is fine. If you get any pain at all… STOP. Pain is NOT NORMAL and could lead to harm to your vocal cords. Let your throat relax and try again the next day. Be sure to keep water handy while your practicing. Take a couple drinks before and after you scream. Hope this helps you, need anything else feel free to let me know =]

Answer #4

When you sing Screamo you cant sing it from your throat, if you do it will destroy your vocal chords and you wond be able to sing anymore. When you sing instead of coming from your throat you make it come from your abdomen or stomach.

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Music production, Music theory, Music education