How to say it's over ?

I have a boyfrend …when we just started to b together he told me that im a hart-breaker…:( and I told him that im not gona break his heart! but he sed if ill dump him ill break his heart …! and now I want to dump him but I dont want to break his heart…! and he keep sayin everyday that he loves me and he want to b wit me.. and he doesent care if I dont want to have sex yet..! and I rwali like that about him! sooo..what can I do now?

Answer #1

If you don’t feel that spark anymore, then you need to break it off. But if you love him, and you just like someone else, Don’t leave the one you love for the one you like, because the one you love won’t always come back. Just let him know that you love him, but not in that way anymore, that you have to do whats best. Don’t argue with him, because it could make things worse. I hope this helps.

  • Advice Girl, (:
Answer #2

If for some reason you no longer want to be with him, then you should just break up wit him. Its better to end it, than to lead him on. Just explain to him why you no longer want to be in a relationship.

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