How can I put up with it

the boy 2 years younger who I fancy apparently might ask me out once he gets to know me cause apparently we suit each other and thinks im cool. well, theres some annoying people in my classes where if you go out with someone a year younger or more, your a pervert, which isnt true. so if I did go out with him, which id want to do, how would I get people to stop calling me a pervert?

oh yeah and even if I dont go out with him and they find out I fancy him theyll say im a pervert.

Answer #1

ok so I’m going through the same thing. The guy that I am dating is a year and a half younger than me. Don’t worry if people think that you’re a pervert or something. It’s none of their business! If you really like this boy then be with him. I know this is cliche but its true.. Love, or like in the case, knows no age.

Answer #2

depends on who says it to you. I say go out with him. and next person who calls you a pervert say “who are you dating?” when they say “no one…” you say “yea I thought so”

just act more mature than them. happens in my school but for the boys. if you date a younger girl they call you “LG hunter” LG = little girl. but less people are saying it now cause I just like confront them right there and then. just shut them up. don’t be mean but don’t let them tease you.

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