How to move on from my boyfriend

I have been with my boyfriend for 3 years. My mom passed away and I took custody of my 2 brothers, they live with us. We had problems for a while and it seemed that we got along better. Recently he has not been intimate with me, he turns his back to me when we go to sleep, he almost never wants to be bothered, everytime is always a bad time. I can’t seem to do anything to get him to want me. He says that it’s not working out and he want’s me to agree, that’s not how I feel. how to move on?

Answer #1

It looks like all the pressure of everything your 2 brothers,sadness of the lost of your precious mother,all of this may just be to much for the poor guy.he was just use to you by yourself,well tell him that you love him and thank him for being there for you,and you want him to continue to be with you.but if he doesnt want to work on what you both have builded up in 3years then give him his wings,i know that hurts but you must be strong for your brothers,there is someone out there for you,and he has moved on already emotionally,im sorry,be good to yourself,best wishes and keep us updated.

Answer #2

yeah i agree, he may just be having a hard with it all. but he sould see that it is hard for you.

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