How to make friends because I dont have that many

Well im kinda shy and all the girls in all my classes hang out with each other and there all popular I want more friends because in like mostly all but 3 of my classess I am alone.. and all the friends that I do have like have a billion friends and sometimes im talking to them and they just leave and walk to another person they know how can I get more friends when im really shy…

Answer #1

well I used to be like thet, all I did to change was be funny, wich im really good at, and open up, I participated in many things and gave people my advice-I got involved not evry1 can do that, so I think you shud just lagh and trow urself out thhere, and ask your friends to help, have them start a group activity or summtin, hope I helped a bit :)

Answer #2

Well you see, the reason why you’re not making friends is because you won’t talk to people to begin with! You can’t be shy, just try talking to someone, they won’t bite :)

If your friends have billions of their own, then you could try talking to them, they must be friendly to be friends with your friends in the first place :)

Really, you have to find people that are like you, and the only way to learn if someone is or not, is to talk to them, so give it a shot. Good luck :)

Answer #3

be less shy and talk to more people

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