How to know if someone is lying?

Hi, its goodgirl124 here again, I need to know how to tell if someone is lying or not. Well, the reason why I’m asking this is because I have a friend he’s sort of a friend and he’s been doing allot of masterbation and so forth and he wants to join my church I belong too and that is the Church of Jezus of Christ of Latter-day Saints. I won’t let him join unless he gets help from a doctor. Won’t you all agree? Let me know.

Answer #1

Oh, hang on a minute, I just found this on a website:

10 Things You Oughta Know About…


Masturbation is not evil, dirty or harmful - it will not make you go blind, drive you insane, turn you in to a pervert, stunt your growth, give you an STD, make you sterile or get you pregnant.

Both guys and girls masturbate, it is a normal and healthy part of sexual development.

Masturbation is a very personal thing and should not be done in public places or around people who are not willing partners (think safer sex activity).

You are normal if you masturbate, normal if you wonder about it but don’t do it, and normal if you never give it a second thought and don’t do it - it is one of the few things in life that is “normal if you do and normal if you don’t”.

Masturbation may make sexual intercourse more enjoyable because you will already know what it takes to “please you”.

Masturbation alleviates stress and releases endorphens (the pleasure hormones) in to your system making you more relaxed.

Masturbation as exploration of the body is common in children between the ages of 3 and 6, in teens masturbation becomes more sophisticated and sexually motivated. Surveys have shown that 80% of males and 59% of females have masturbated by age 18.

Many experts believe that masturbation is more prevalent in the teen years due to a strong fluctuation of hormones; masturbation alleviates the strain of this build up and is a necessary part of development.

The only real problems that come with masturbation are psychological and are the result of unhealthy, religious or weary attitudes toward doing it (if you do it but are ashamed) or abnormal practices (for example, public masturbation).

Answer #2

No ,I don’t agree. First of all, it is natural to masterbate… I would rather know in your case that masterbating is all he is doing. A doctor is not going to help him because there is nothing wrong with him! Second, if it’s so bad what he’s doing then isn’t it a sin to be asking us besides asking God? What gives you the right to not let him become a member? Nobody in this world is perfect and it’s up to the Good Lord to judge thee not you!

Answer #3

I am a member of the LDS church and I think what you are doing is totally wrong. You shouldnt stop him from joining. Let him join, let him sit through the Sunday school and hear the counsel. If you honestly think it is that bad then you can get counsel from the bishop but when you do, dont be specific because then your friend might not be a friend anymore. Trust me, he is not the only member who masurbaes and it isnt the worst sin possible. Just make sure it doesn’t get worse than that and you can softly nudge him in the right direction.

Answer #4

Masturbating is natural and humans (and some animals) have been doing this from the dawn of creation. (so to speak)

And no matter what different churches say, males and females will be doing this for millions of years to com. (Or should that read c*m?)


Because it hurts nobody Its free You cannot catch an STD from doing it

And finally, IT FEELS DAMNED GOOD!! (any one want to add to my list?)

You should try it sometime goodgirl124.


Answer #5

its like your asking a cat to stop drinking milk…98% of men masturbate

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Sex education, Intimacy, Relationship advice