how to get secret revenge on a bully?

theres this girl I myclas, who can be a real bitch at times. she thinks shees all that and a wee bit more, so I want to take revenge on her bulying me but I dntnow what to do. and it has to be a seret , she cannot know it was me!

Answer #1

u can spread a roomer about her like sumthing gross but beleive-able like she has sucked of 6 blockes or sumthing like that, lol, and if she finds out it was you just say no someone else told me it and I ent saying their name because I ent a grass! lol good luck

Answer #2

get someone who she wont reconsie the voice of, and then put your cell on private caller and ring her and then get the person she dont know to say, I knwo what you did and then tell her some unbelievable rumour. and then also spread it around your class. or even do a strange handwriting so no one cna reconise it was you and write it down and leave it in a class room so that someone finds it and speads it

Answer #3

Don’t do anything, I know it’s hard when someone is snobby and mean but do you really want to be a bully?? Revenge is bullying too-don’t stoop as low as her, stay above her and prove that you are the better person by resisting the temptation for revenge. In fact, bullies often have insecurities and problems that you don’t know about- try being friendly to her instead, not fake friendly, just say hi and act the same as you would to her friends. If she isn’t friendly back, that’s her choice, just know that she is only human too and deserves compassion and kindness even if that isn’t the way she treats you. I hope she stops bullying you, and don’t forget that no matter what she says or does, you are an awesome person for being nice! Good Luck! :)

Answer #4

if you ride a bus sometimes the bully pass your window. Tap on your window calling your bully(mask) .Have a ice cold water bottole with you then pour it on there head.

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