How to get over him

My boyfriend broke up with me and I love him so much still. He’s my best friend (as in we were best friends for over a year before we went out) and he broke up with me because he was worried about what our friends would think if they ever found out about us. We were in love and now I’ve been left broken hearted! I dont know what to do! Even if we cant be together, I cant loose my best friend!

Answer #1

hahaha, what a lame way to breakup with someone.
You can let it go and give it time and see if he tries to talk to you again. I’m sure you can find another guy that will treat you much better. Part of life I guess you could say, like someone else said, live and learn.

Answer #2

I think that was one of the many excuses a guy uses, when he no longer wants to be in the relationship!

Answer #3

Wow what a jerk he dumped you because of what your friends would think? if he cares more about other people then your guys love then he isn’t worth you

Answer #4

he dumped you because of what your friends would think? what an idiot. who cares what your friends think. it’s none of their business.

if he cared more about his “image’ then about you, he wasn’t worth it anyway. separate yourself from him and just allow you’re self to move on. time heals all wounds.

Answer #5


Us guys are such pigs sometimes ;)

Don’t worry about it. Just like it was said before, seperate yourself from him, allow yourself time to heal.

Worst-case scenario, find a new guy, and make sure he sees how happy you are with him :)

Sometimes when you date a good friend, after a break-up, you may never be friends again… that’s just the way things go, that’s why everyone will always tell you to never date your best friend.

Live and learn.

Answer #6

ummm yea Well obviously hes too scared to be a man aand commit to his “best friend”, and cares to much about what other people will think. Thats being a coward. Im sorry but don’t waste your time on that girl! Its not worth it!!! leave yourself open for other people to come into your life… Life is a b*tch sometimes, and people will come and go, and you just have to get used to it.. I went through a lot of friends and they left for whatever reason and I was close to them. But I didnt let it bother me and now I have new people in my life:) It will work out trust me…

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