How to get over him

How do you get over someone uve loved years, Even tho uve not dated them, but they did promise you that they would, when your 16??.. And now you no that it was all lies, and all them hopes and dreams Were Crushed?

Answer #1

o ok well its nawt real easy 2 get over sumtimes because wit sumtimes and im going from personal expierence but sum people needa get hurt 2 get over someone or 2 realize tings haveing 2 do wit love and 4 sum its just a matter of nawt seein da person

Answer #2

well it seems like you are quick 2 love people and crush on dem its true you cnt control who you love but ders a difference of bein in love and wantin the feelin of it. but you just needa take it slowly in the future don’t rush give it time. but as far as getn over it just keep your distance c watelse is out der 4 u. because im sure other guys want to chance wit u

Answer #3

Lol but he doens thurt me you see :s he just leaves me hanging, and den when I put up with it and play at hes game back, and start to move on he does sumit that changes my mind, hes never said that he doesnt want me ECT. hes alway ssaid might’s and dunos -_-

Answer #4

sounds like you have your first crush… first loves atay with you for a log time, you just have to deal with your feelings accept reality and that nothing will eva happen then move on.. be relived thatu werent in a relationship with that person, you had a lucky escap! just think he/she will mke someone really unhapppy one day where as u… you will b happy with someone who thinks the world of u!!whatt comes around goes around

Answer #5

Lol!.. okay I didnt mean it like that.. I’ve had 2 Bfs. before.. And One I really loved.. But once we split up I went back to the guy I loved before that, and still do love now.. I just thought id give them a chance, because I did feel strong feelings for dem and a mate, so thought why not.. and the other one was when I was about 12. didnt really no wot love was than, but either way I’ve always gone back to this one person is wot I ment LOL not that I’ve curshed on loads people ECt. I hardly say ny1 fit Ect lols

Answer #6

Huh its not a first crush, I’ve Dated people before.. Lol and I’ve loved people before

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