How to get my mom unmad at me?

Today me and my mom had a really bad day I told her I hated her and she is not normal and not to help me on my book report wich I have to make a dedication wich I did her but after our fight I told her im doing dad and now I turned it in and cant go back please help

Answer #1

Step one - apologize. That wasn’t a very nice thing to say to your mom at all and I think that you really need to be more careful and considerate of her feelings. Words DO hurt. Even if she doesn’t show that it hurt, it most likely did.

Step two - talk to her about it. Don’t argue or be rude, but let her know why you were upset.

Step three - don’t let it happen again. If you get upset with your mom, leave the room to cool off and think about it. Don’t say anything that you’ll regret later on. Don’t act on what you’re feeling, either. When angry you’re most likely to do something you’d not do if you were thinking clearly, so just take a break and relax a bit.

It will take a little while, but your mom loves you and will forgive you. Just let her know and show her that you’re sorry.

Answer #2

I have fights with my mum every day I just stay out of her way for a while then say your sorry and be really nice to her like help out with jobs around the house and do stuff without her having to ask u

Answer #3

Write her a letter. It works for me every single time. In the letter you should apologize for what you did, tell her what you did was wrong(even if it wasn’t) tell her what you’re willing to do to make upfor it. And tell that you Have learned from your mistakes. Be sweet, say I love you at the end. Just make sure to be nice and respectful. But trust me, you will ALWAYS get forgiveness with a drawn out long letter. It works for me every time. Good luck. (:

Answer #4

moms love hugs. give her a nice long hug.

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