Will she ask for me back?

I’m 15 and I’m a freshmen in high school. I’ve been dating a really great girl for 3 months but she broke up with me yesterday. she said that she just feels very suffocated right now and she doesn’t know if she wants to go out, she cried while doing it and so did i. i love her and i cant get her out of my head, since then I’ve cried and cried, and i stayed home from school today. her best friend (who has broken up with her boyfriend many times but they have been going out for a year strong now) told me that i was a great boyfriend and that i treated her better than any guy has, she also told me that i was her first real relationship and that she will come back in a couple days as long as i just don’t call her and let things happen. i don’t want to get my hopes up, but will she come back, and how can i convince her to? i really love this girl and i feel incomplete without her.

Answer #1

You both are young and well to be straightforward with you, its going to feel like this because when you are young you get attached to someone more and have more emotions, i’ve been there… you just need to relax, i know thats hard, but you must realize that you have many years of school left and many things can happen in that time, you may move, or she may move, you may go off to college etc… relationships are complicated when you are younger, and when you get older you will understand them more, but they are still complicated. I would suggest go to school and just go about your business like nothing happened if you see her say hi and don’t be mean, but don’t show your emotions. She just wants space right now, so maybe that means you are around her to much… girls are complicated sometimes. So just give her what she wants, space. There are many other fish in the sea so don’t get to serious in 3 months that you have been going out.

let us know how it goes… Jason

Answer #2

You do NOT need anyone to complete you. If you cant make yourself happy, you cant rely on someone else to it! We all go through breakups. Its nothing we can control. Wouldnt it be great if we could, but the fact of matter is SHE is the one that broke up…there is NO way to get her back unless SHE wants to. THeres NO magic potion, or spell to put on her. It has to be her decision! Young relationships just dont last. One person ALWAYS get hurt in the end. We have no power over someone elses emotions. She broke up for reasons that are beyond YOUR control. You have to accept whats happened, and move on. If SHE chooses to come back, thats her choice, but if she doesnt…you have to let go!! Dont look desperate waiting for something that might not ever happen!

Answer #3

Dear echord, She stated she felt suffocated…listen to what she is say…she needs some space right now so give it to her. You stated you feel incomplete without her…this is where the problem is. We never allow others to complete us, this makes us needy and this is not something that is good in a relationship. Your girlfriend has spotted this and probably needs time to think if she wants to be responsible to complete you. You need to work on this and learn to be strong as one. Sue…good luck

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