How to get horny easily ?

I’m 14 year old girl and I’m always trying to get my self horny, but it’s not that easy

so can someone suggest things, except porn

And by the way I’m bi, if that helps ;) x

Answer #1

I am 14 also and there are many ways to get horny, you can rub your vagina outside your underwear, grind on your boyfriend, having a makeout session with you on top strattling a guy will deffinantly make you horny, masterbate, use somenthing that vibrates and put it in your pussy, read exotic porn stories and then masturbate to the story so you have a good mental image. Theres lots of ways also you can google how to get horny and lots of stuff will come up.

Answer #2

Your too young to be doing that. ha ha.

Answer #3

Think of a guy or girl which ever you prefer and act out what you want them to do to you

Answer #4

I mean when I’m alone lying in bed, and you don’t have a boyfriend atm

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