How to get an exgirlfried back

OK out of the blue my ex girlfriend calls me and we havent spoken in about a mounth then three days ago she calls me and carrys on like normal as if we were still together and i sent her flowers as you know from my last question know i think she wants me to ask her back but i dont know what to she gave me all these signs but i just dont know how to get her back

Answer #1

She is trying to warm back up to you when she called you like that.

You should call her every now and then, that way she knows you haven’t forgotten about her. After you’ve talked to her for a while, ask her if she wants to go to the movie theater with you, if she says sure, or anything remotely towards yes, then your in luck, she must still have something for you. Make sure it’s a movie SHE wants to see, no matter what it is, and you’d better enjoy it to unless you want to take her home thinking that movie sucked because he didn’t like it. Don’t make her pay for anything at the movie place, a man must show that he has money so the girl can feel more secure with her man. Let her call you and don’t give her a lame excuse why you can’t talk to her. Learn how to cook, women LOVE guys who can cook good, reason being because women have cooked for us for many, many years. As an old “tradition”. The new generation of females are wanting more to life, like all humans. Learn to cook and feed her with something amazing for dinner. Good luck.

  • Gothik
Answer #2

Once an ex, always an ex. .

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