How to enhance your eye color?

Yeah…my eyes used to be the bluest of blue (like a really deep, pretty blue) and now they’re slowly fading. Im assuming it might be something to do with my sleeping habits; I used to get at least 8-10 hours of sleep, and now I’m lucky If I get 7.

I was just wondering if ther is Anyway you can try to enhance your eye color. Is there certain foods pike carrots…I’ve also heard to drink a lot of wAter. Bt if you have any suggestions At allnor if you have A similiar story, that would be greAt!

…I always say whenlifegivesmelemons I make the best of it…but what happens when life doesn’t give you anything?

Answer #1

from what I know you cant change the fading of your eyes unless you want to get contacts that change the color.

Answer #2

eye colour fades as you get older it also gets lighter if your health isnt as good as it should be there isnt anything you can really do to make it brighter if your not eating right, eat right again and if your body doesnt run well on 7 hours of sleep and you feel tired all the time, go to bed earlier to get more sleep if in a few weeks-months your eye colour doesnt get a bit brighter when youve been eating good and sleeping well you cant do anyhing to change them

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