How to ejaculate

I am 14 and when I masterbate, I get a feeling on my penis a ticili one is that a sign of egaculating or do I have to keep going longer to egaculate becouse I cant egaculate

Answer #1

Are you saying Ejaculate? Like cum? if so… then yes… you have ot keep going. There are two stages of cuming.. one is the cleanser. as you well know, sperm used to impregnant an egg. Well, when you are old enough, your sperm will reach an egg, but your sperm and urine go down the same path. urine kills sperm, so you have a pre-ejaculation (just a little bit) to clean the passage so that your sperm will reach the egg… once again… WHEN YOU”RE OLDER!!!

Answer #2

Yes the senses you descrided in your post are the tiny muscles in your "shaft" filling with blood making yourself all more sensitive. Just find the comfortable quote un quote;handling& to use until you reach FULL release! If nothing continues to come out, you just may need to mature a bit more yet.

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