How to do an 80s hairstyle quickly?

Atm I’m in love with the 80s. So I really wanna know a cool quick 80s hairstyle for school.. I’ve tried putting it all to one side, but at the end of the day I just look like a freak.. I have very long blonde hair, and I usually have about 5 minutes to do my hair.. Has anyone got any suggestions for this kind of thing? I don’t want flat, boring, stupid hair every day! Thank you :d

Answer #1

I love the 80s too!

But anyway, I would suggest big hair, I mean big, curls, waves, all that junk. And you should watch old music videos and movies for more inspiration. Check out madonna’s 80s videos.

Answer #2

stick your head out the car window while someone else is driving at 60 miles an hour then hair spray it like crazy as crazy as it sounds, I’m not kidding XD

or flip your hair over your face, put gel in it and use the hair dryer use hairspray or lemon/lime juice mixed in with some water(better for your hair and environment)

or like above said, tease like crazy

Answer #3

80’s hair was big lol

I’ve got loads of pics from me in the 80’s and dont you dare ask for pics hahahha

I dont know how you would create an 80s hair due :S

a big fhat curly perm lol

Answer #4

Just tease your hair like crazy with a fine comb.

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