How can I convince them to let me go out at night?

I’m 16 and this is about the fourth time my parents caught me absolutely shitfaced, they said I’m not allowed to go out at night anymore..but during they day until my mom gets out at 6. I won’t drink ever again until I’m 21 if they just let me out at its summer.. what can I say to convince them to let me out. I haven’t gone out in three days.

Answer #1

Four times - not once - think you might have proven by your actions that you can’t act responsibly ?..hope you turn things around, Good luck !!

Answer #2

First off, I don’t believe you are a bad kid.. But you do realize that you must clean up you’re act.. I would suggest engaging in more productive & proactive extra curricular activities such as, volunteering or join a youth group. Act in a more responsible manner of which they will notice. With this, they can see that you are trustworthy and capable of making sound decisions, and might let you go out again.

Do things you know need done, with out being told.. Be respectful and understand things from their point of view.. Talk more with them & let them into your life, because if you lose communication, it will lead you no were.. I know you will be fine, and can show them what a wonderful person you are inside. You have to see this, within your self, for you, and be the good you are. Never give up & always be your self. Take care. ~Ben~

Answer #3

u suldve thot bout all dat b4 u decided to get trashd!!! it takes alot to gain sumones trust but very lil to lose it so all u can do is gain their trust bak which will take a long time!!! dont rush nothin ur not missn out on much trust me stop tryna grow up to fast…sheez u got tons of years ahead of u!!!

Answer #4

They caught you four times? Honestly, I can’t blame them then. Sure, you say you’re willing to stop drinking, but your actions don’t exactly tell them that you’re responsible or trustworthy. It might take a while before you can go out again because you’ll probably have to start acting a lot more responsible. You’ll have to show them that you can actually handle being out late.

Like Ben suggested, start doing chores and things around the house without being asked. Talk to your parents about it instead of fighting or begging.

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