How to cheat at soccer?

How to cheat at soccer?

Answer #1

you cant really cheat at soccer because you will get a yellow or red card. but you can play tough like pushing shoulder to shoulder or pulling jerseys alitle bit but most of the time the refrees sees that so you can’t really cheat

Answer #2

As far as I know, if you cheat a soccer, you’ll get a yellow or red card. However, if you really want to know how to cheat at soccer, try pulling on jerseys when the referee isn’t looking, etc. Worked for me.

Answer #3

Are you crazy dont cheet in soccer thats badbadbad@!!! Dont do it

Answer #4

Are you crazy dont cheet in soccer thats badbadbad@!!! Dont do it

Answer #5

all I have to say is that if you need to cheat at soccer then you should stop playing

Answer #6

punch the player when the ref is not looking then move away from the player

Answer #7

what the ref doesnt see isnt a red card :)

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