How to change your life?

How to change your life for the better? Make changes?

Answer #1

Use less technology. Turn off your computer, get out more often.

Explore your curiousity, learn about animals, learn about the human mind, learn about the environment in which you live in. Understand global warming, be more green.

Try to improve yourself - everyone has space for improvements. I have problems with procrastination, and procrastination leads me to my lack of sleep. The internet is a problem for me too. It makes me sit on the computer a lot. I’m also always late. These are the things I’m trying to change.

  • Using less internet would make me use the computer less. Which means I would do other things more. Homework included. -I get better sleep because I do homework earlier
  • I tell myself that I would be on time for school every time I go to sleep now. And it works. Somehow I wake up earlier. Being late was almost a habit before.

Good luck to you ~ .

Answer #2

You have to be dedicated. Thats the best advice I can give you, you must WANT whatever it is your changing bad enough to do it, and stick by it over time, otherwise you will just fail miserably.

Look at smokers (myself included) they try but the addiction makes them not want to stop, so when they know they should, they really dont want to, making it near impossible. My older brother on the otherhand was having heart problems, which made it hard for him to breath, that made him want to quit so bad he did almost instantly, he basically said “im quitting” and he did.

You just have to WANT it and have the ability to get it.

Answer #3

Some things to change your life for the better: get closer to God - volunteer or work in areas that genuinely make a difference in other people’s lives - rewards are great !!…Take care !!

Answer #4

well it depeds on what you want to change self image, job, life, make more freinds, start a hobby, ect!

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