How to calm nerves

Something had happend that I cant say but its been on my mind. Is not a good thing and its stressing me out. A lot. I dont think I will be able to sleep about it. Any tips to calm me nervse

Answer #1

both of those are actually really good advice. but , if it is something that could be considered tragic that has happened to you and that is the reason it is causing you stress then maybe you need to talk to someone from a more professional perspective. like a psychologist. you could talk to me about this. shoot me a funmail. maybe I can help you out.

Answer #2

hot bath with calming music walks are helpful chamomile tea and talking to someone about it may help also but if the times not right dont push it.

Answer #3

Take a deep breath, put on some relaxing music, Hillsong always help me heaps when I am stressed & have a hot chocalate or a hot tea, have a nice hot shower or bath whatever makes you feel better,

put on a hair treatment & a mask, also ask God to help you get over this situation, some may think this is dumb what im about to say, but ill say it anyway, but ask God to help you through this difficult time in your life, hew is all ears & a great listener, you may feel weird at first but believe it gets easier & he doesnt judge you,

hope you feel better soon, all the best & if ever you feel like chatting drop me a funmail, bless you xx

Answer #4

do it! shoot him a funmail

Answer #5

Think happy thoughts. Tell me about what happened on fun mail or what ever and tell me your problems and I can know what you are talking about, then I can tell you waht you should do.

Answer #6

two things help me out when im stressed out. one is smoking its calms down my nerves and gives me a lil buzz.. the other is lol wait for it wait for it… masterbating thats like the ultimate stress reliever.. oh one more laughing helps too watch a funny movie or somethin. goodluck.

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