How to become an advisor

How do you become an advisor?

And what eactly does an advisor do?

Answer #1

I asked a similar question, so you might want to go to my profile and look at my answers(:

Answer #2

About Advisors Who are advisors Advisors are the official voice of Funadvice, and are users just like you and me. Users get promoted to advertisers when they’ve either ranked highly by other users, or have just provided great answers.

How do I become an advisor? You can become an advisor by first providing highly rated and clear answers. Contact us (thedude/editor/lex_icon) with a few of the answers you’ve provided and we’ll consider upgrading your account to advisor status.

Many Advisors answer a question! Yes, multiple advisors (and you) can answer a single question. The first advisor to answer the question will be considered the ‘official’ advisor, and they will be promoted as such on the question page.

The admin look for clear, consistent answers, good spelling, good grammar

Advisors put questions in the right categories, delete duplicates, delete questions that break terms of use, answer questions about the site or let the admin know if they dont have an answer, fix titles, etc etc…

Answer #3

Simply a Rose to brighten your day,         And maybe lessen the cares in your way;         And also, too, to help you to know,         That in knowing you, many others grow!

  How do you become an Advisor?

Advisors are the official voice of Funadvice, and are users just like you and me. Users get promoted to advisors when they’re either ranked highly by other users, or have just provided great answers. Check out the link below for more information:

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