how to be hot?

hey im wondering if anyone can give me advce … I want to lok different for next year . I have a dimond shape face,ovel eyes,soft angled brows ,pale skin,bad acne and red hair(dyed)blonde!

please im desprate :)

Answer #1

I had bad acne too and I still have it but it’s not nearly as bad. I use vichy, the normaderm products. it’s great because it really works and it doesn’t test on animals! also try using coverup. I use a concealer from the body shop, and it has tea tree oil in it which fades away scars. then I use a powder foundation, called all-in-one foundation from the body shop. it’s magical!

have you tried straightening your hair? even if your hair is already straight, it makes it silkier and shinier and if you have thick hair like me, flattens it. and I find red hair really cool so maybe you could go back to natural? I wish I could have red hair, but I dyed it blonde because it was ugly brown.

try wearing natural makeup, because guys like that the best. don’t wear too much or it’ll be obvious. like, a little lip gloss, the coverup I suggested before, and maybe a little eyeliner or eyeshadow.

and now for the MOST IMPORTANT THING: confidence. if you don’t have confidence, here’s how to help it out. wear a really cool outfit, or have some awesome accessories for an instant boost of self esteem. so even if your feeling crappy about your skin, you’ll feel beautiful because of your outfit! I know a lot of girls that have acne, but are viewed as beautiful because they have confidence!

Answer #2

omg ok well first never dye your hair blonde esspessially if its red. 1st stop dying your hair. 2 get an acne system proactiv, clearasil ect. 3) do you have any type of bangs cause thye would look good with your head shape. if you need help/advice/questions on anything funmail me :)

Answer #3

hey with the acne, I give everyone this advice because it helped me. Seawater. Go to a beach on not-windy days (so sand doesnt blow in your face and make more acne) and go for a nice good long 15 min swim at least. Obviously constantly putting your entire head under water.

Answer #4

Just be yourself… don’t try to be something your not. Don’t worry about impressing people - if they can’t accept you for who you truly are, they’re not worth your time :)

Answer #5

everything sounds ok but the acne part sorry you should try jafra products they work really well. maybe green eyeliner would look good.

Answer #6

start with the acne, clearing up your face makes a HUGE difference. try to find a product that works for you =] && always make sure you take off makeup at night ((if I dont I have zits the next day =/))

make sure you wash your face at most twice a day with warm water ((hot dries and damanges skin overtime and cool water doesnt take away dirt and such))

maybe consider dying your hair a shade of brown? also try doing natural makeup :) to enhance your beauty

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