How Smart / Knowledgeable are you?

I just noticed how many pages of unanswered questions there are. Go to the link below and see how many you can answer. Try starting with the oldest questions first (the highest page number).

Unanswered questions

How many were you able to answer?

Answer #1

…I fixed it a bit ago, I should have mentioned that :)

Our auto linking script is a tad buggy sometimes, I need to file a task for that soon.

Answer #2

I just clicked on it and it works fine. Possibly there was a glitch on the web when you tried it. I have that happen every so often and get that “Page Not Found” message and simply try again. Sometimes I have to click on some other link and then come back to the one I was wanting to get to before it works.

Answer #3

Ethmer, repost that link please. It’s incomplete. (Goes to “Page Not Found”.) Thanks

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