How should I tell our parents we're pregnant?

I’m 14 and engaged and my girlfriend may be pregnant. How do I tell her parents and mine?

Answer #1

Okay, heres the deal… i think ur WAY over your head rite now. pleeze dont get upset at me 4 sayin that. come on, think about it. u have 4 more years until ur a legal adult. u reely shouldnt promise urselves 2 each other rite now. highschool changes ppl SO much. i dont doubt that u 2 r in love rite now tho, atleast i extremely hope u 2 r if she mite b pregnant.
Okay, as 2 her may being pregnant.

  1. How long has it been since she hasnt had her period.
  2. How much have u 2 been having sex. DON’T FREAK OUT THO!!! See, after a gurl has sex, her cycle changes. This has happened 2 so many of my friends n they got freaked out. After the first time, it comes rite away. After that, if they keep havin alot of sex alot then they may not get it again 4 some time. My friend n her bf have sex like atleast 3 or 4 times a week n she hasnt gotten her period 4 2 months n she aint pregnant. so, dont freak out. U reely should tell ur parents about this whole engagement thing tho. I don’t have any advice on that 4 u. just, GOOD LUCK!!! if me n my love got pregnant his parents would seriously kill us. but all parents r different. some parents dont reely care a whole lot n some would kill u. so, without knowing wut kind of parents they r i reely dont know wut 2 tell u.
Answer #2

if you are engaged you shouldn’t have a problem with telling your parents. jus come out and tell them the truth but take a test before you tell them anything

Answer #3

You’re completely crazy to be getting a girl pregnant and getting married. You are way in over your head, little boy. At 14 years old, you don’t know anything about life. You’re way to young and now you’ve got yourself already tied down to a girl and a baby when your just 14 years old? That’s crazy and you might not regret this now, but you will later in your life. I guarentee it.

Answer #4

Wow! 14 and engaged????? Not to be ride or anything, but 14 is awfully young to make such a life altering decision. Maybe try a promise ring or something. And as far as your gf being pregnant,,,that is an awful huge step for two young people to make. Even if you waited a couple years you would see how foolish this all sounds. Wait, I dont mean “foolish” i mean like out of your guys’ league at such a young age. As far as having to reveal this to the parents you need to do it…before they happen to hear this from somebody else. Always good luck with everything…

Answer #5

Ah 14 and pregnant thats not rite! Their is loads of options for you out their and help. you dould sit your both mothers down and tell them. Then let your mothers tell your fathers Good luck with all this buddie

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