How should I fix this feeling?

So the other day I messed up bad. I love my boyfriend soo much but the othr day when we were hanging out he took my phone and wanted to look thru it. I had a note talking smack bout my boyfriend. it was because me and him got in a big arguement and instead of taking it out on him I just wrote down the things I hate about him. I immedietly took the phone and deleted it quick. I know it looked so suspicious. hes been so good to me and I know hes not doing anything bad and hes honest with me. he didn’t look mad or anything. then he was ganna look at my pictures. I remmembred I had pictures of guys[3pictures] from months ago. I knew he would hate that soo I had to fight him to get the phone back. he won of course because he tickled me. I gave up. he saw it and I could tell he was a little mad. he told me that since I have pictures of guys its okay for him to have pics of girls. but I dont want him to those pictures were so old. I think he doesn’t trust me at all anymore. he always thinks im cheating on him with a guy. he hasn’t talked about it but what can I do!? I want to reasure him that hes the one I love. always and forever. plus im always getting mad at him randomly because I think hes cheating or sumthing, but when I looked thru his phone there was nuthing there. nothing suspicious or anything. I know we have a little bit of trust issue. but if he saw in my heart how much I loved him he wouldnt question it. I was surprised he didnt say anything. damn I just want to show him hes the only one. I messed up once and he did too but its been months since that and everything has been soomuch better. hes going to college soon and im soo insecured. I feel like im not enough for him even tho he tells me I am.

Answer #1

it all begins with you. You know that you feel insecure and you feel that you are not good enough for him. The first thing you need to do is take care of yourself, look at yourself in the mirror and think about how much you mean to him, and how much he means to you, and know that you are what matters to him. You cannot expect someone to trust you until you trust yourself. So begin by learning to love yourself more. It seems like you care very much and hes lucky to have you.

Next, talk to him about the pics of the boys. Think about what you want to say before you say it so its clear, make sure that he understands that those pics were from a very long time and tell him that he is the only one for you (it helps to look into his eyes an caress his face while you say that to communicate how sincere you are). TELL him that you feel that he doesnt trust you, and tell him that he can. It all goes back to what you tell him. The best way to get through this is to be open with each other, this will establish more trust. My boyfriend and I made a deal to tell each other everything, and we always surprise each other with how well we react to certain things. He just might need to be told exactly how you feel.

You also need to realize that to get trust, you must give it. Show him that YOU trust him and he will eventually follow. You need to trust him. You both need to get everything out in the open and work from there.

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