How should I decorate my Bon Jovi Concert t-shirt?

My friend and I are going to a Bon Jovi concert tomorrow night. We want to design our own shirts. We have iron on paper to print our designs on, but we don’t know what we want to do. We thought about playing on the fact that its st patty’s day, but we need help!

Answer #1

If you really love Bon Jovi, and St. Patties Day, the you can put “Bon Jovi” is shamrocky letters with shamrocks and hearts all around it with a picture of your favorite album by Bon Jovi on the back. If I could iron on letters to MY shirt, it’d probably be something like, “I have big boobs. Can I meet the band?”

Answer #2

I made a shirt for my fav star and I put my fav songz of thers every wer on the shirt like a collage

Answer #3

you could buy those cheap glitter paints and do designs/lines/patters in glitter or green glitter for st patricks day

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