How should I decide if I should break up with him?

My boyfriend is trying to quit smoking for me, he said he was going to by the end of the month. He’s been taking hits here and there off of his friends but he always tells me about it and he says he would never try to keep it from me. Last night we were at his friends house and they left to get cigs from his house, and when he came back I could tell by the way he smelled that he had been smoking. I waited all night for him to tell me but he didn’t. When I left that night I texted him and then when I asked him if he had smoked he didn’t text back. I asked him the next morning if he got my text and he said no, so I asked him again if he had smoked and he said one hit that was it. I’m pretty sure he got my text and I dont think he would have told me if I hadn’t figured it out. I told myself before all this that if he tried to keep it from me I would break up with him because I don’t want that kind of a boyfriend. I love him so much and I dont want to break up with him, but should I?

Answer #1

heres the thing: it’s hard for smokers to keep smoking. he must’ve told you that he’ll quit smoking for you because he wanted to keep you happy. or maybe he is trying to quit but its hard for him to stop because hes addicted. just give him some time to quit. also, don’t remind him about smoking because it’ll get on his nerves. so in conclusion, I wouldn’t break up with him UNLESS he begins to lie about other things besides smoking.

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