How should I break up with him?

My boyfriend only wants one thing. Sex. And I’m not ready for that. Then the other day he gave me this really pretty ring for my birthday. I know that I shouldn’t stay with him for material things. But I just don’t want to because he spent a lot of money on it. What should I do? I need to break up, but I don’t know how to without hurting him or anything.

Answer #1

Tell him that beacause you cannot accept the conditions that he wants to have in your relationship (having sex with him), that you cannot accept his ring. Then give it back politely, thank him for the gesture of giving it to you and tell him you think it’s time you both moved on to more compatible partners.

And good for you!

Answer #2

No matter what…hes going to be hurt. I would just be totally upfront with him about your feelings. If he cant understand, then he isnt worth trying to talk to. Nobody should ever make you feel uncomfortable or pressured to do anything you dont wanna do. If they do, they dont care or respect you as a person, just a possession. Wait for that one guy who proves his love for you…not just by his words, but his actions, because that is what matters most!

Good Luck!

Answer #3

Give him his ring back.

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Sex education, Intimacy, Relationship advice