How Should He Tell?

im 19 and my boyfriend is 16. we’ve been together for 2 1/2 years. both our parents dont agree with us being together and now me being pregnant is the topping. Zach and I are happy. I cant tell my parents cause I fear they’ll tell his and that not what he wants. How should he go about telling his parents becasue I need to tell mine?

Answer #1

soz to hear dat hun, i think you should sit your family down and talk to them tell them how you feel your old engough to make your own decisions so i think your family will understand, why doesnt he want to tell his family? one day or the other its going to come out. tell me how it goes and good luck!

Answer #2

awww. sorry girl your parents may understand if you have been with him for that long tell ur best friend to tell your parents and if they dont understand it is not ur fault if there to protective

Answer #3

The best thing for you both to do is sit down with your parents as soon as possible. The longer you wait the harder it should be. I know you probably don’t want to hear this but if your boyfriend is mature enough to be having sex, he should be mature enough to have a candid conversation with his parents. Before you have those tough conversations, it may also be a good idea to figure some things out together. Are you keeping the baby? Are you getting married? How will you support the baby if you decide to keep it? Having these answers will show your parents that you have taken some steps in the right direction. This is a difficult position to be in. Hope this helps, good luck!

Answer #4

aghhh so u was 17 and he was 14 wen ya’ll met? u could get locked for that girl

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