How much money does internet cost on a phone?

Im gettting a new cell phone some time this month,I know its capapble of internet cause my friend has that phone and she has internet on it. I just want to know how much money it cost for an a t&t account with three people on the plan and another person having internet.

Also,im scared to ask my mom :) I think ill just ask if I can do chores and stuff for it every month (last time I got allowence I got 10 every 2 weeks so thats gotta b close to the amount of internet.) do you think she’ll say yes?

Answer #1

At AT&T the price for unlimited internet access on your cell phone is $30 a month, per phone. I think it’s a little ridiculous considering I pay $30 a month for internet at my house so even though I desperately want an iPhone or something similar, I refuse to do it. I don’t know if your mom will go for it or not, I wouldn’t, but good luck…:)

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