How much Irish do you know?

1.Do you know how to speak Irish? 2.Are you Irish? 3.What is your favourite Irish phrase or word?


Answer #1

hey! 1.yeah I can speak irish 2.and yeah I am irish 3.well,my fav saying in irish would prob have to be “nìl is agam”bascially means I dont know,I use that one a

Answer #2
  1. I can have the accent slightly on… I can learn it well, but I don’t know a lot of the language.
  2. yup. and proud.
  3. bag o’ shwag (I think thats it) meens very good lol… well so I was telt! irish pals for life man! :)
Answer #3
  1. I do know how to speak Irish
  2. I’m not Irish, I’m English but I moved to Ireland when I was about three
  3. Ná bí buartha (It means don’t worry and I don’t like it for the meaning I just like the sound of it)
Answer #4

1.Do you know how to speak Irish? ‘No’ 2.Are you Irish? ‘Yes’ 3.What is your favourite Irish phrase or word? ‘Guinness’

Answer #5
  1. Nope. Well, I can speak English. (obviously) But I can’t do the heavy accent. Or the actual language. tol. xD
  2. No.
  3. I dont know any. xP Well, not that I know of. x]
Answer #6

hahaha yeah we speak English but there areas of Ireland called Gaeltacht areas where its alll Irish and a lot of people speak Irish here and its not ancient. lol. I gets spoken almost everyday here be for tourists who like 2 hear it, in a school or in conversation.

Answer #7

Well since the Irish speak the English language I would have to say quite a bit, then again you may be referring to the ancient celtic language of Ireland in which case I know nothing, but faith and begoraha I love the Irish and as I do family history I hope to find some that way, there is nothing sexier than a pretty Irish lass.

Answer #8

hahah sorry andy pal dats not irish dats someone talking the hand.. lol.. aye ;)

Answer #9

1…ya kinda 2…ya im irish 3…póg mo thón…haha…kiss my arse…!!!

Answer #10

im irih and i can talk irish dia duit conas ata tu ta me go maith agus tu fain that was irish

Answer #11

Hello my Dear how are you and how is everything going with you over in your country? i am is Selina by name i saw your profile at() please i will like you to contact me with this email address ( so that i can sent you my picture

Answer #12

hey im kayleigh ya pronouce it as kayla its the irish way of spelling it. but i speak fluent irish so if ya have any questions just ask!

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