How many words can you make out of celebrate?

How many smaller words can you make out the the letters in the word celebrate?

Answer #1


a at art ate ale eat are care cat crate caret(reference mark) rate arete(the aggregate of qualities making up good character) tare tear tea tee tree bra bare bate brat bat bear be bee beer berate beret bale era eel tar bar table cable able erect tab tae(preposition) rate rat alee(away from the wind) lee(protective shelter) lea(grassland; meadow) crab cab car caber(a pole or beam) abet(to encourage- usually a wrong doing) abele(the soft, straight-grained wood of this tree) bet tale teal arc blare reel real creel(a wicker basket used by anglers to hold fish) cera(wax) cree(type of indian) tact act react drab(dull; cheerless; lacking in spirit, brightness) brae(hillside; slope) lab ace bat let bleat cleat beat beet ret(to soak in water or expose to moisture) late later beater cater bract(leaflike part) race ract(useful quality) cart


I’m sure there’s more ad then you have the varies names(such as Berte, Bele, Lee, Bart ect ect) But I’m feeling lazy

Answer #2

brat rat ate eat tea tale tab lab late crate cab real eel crab later bare bear beer late the rest that the above said too…

Answer #3

celebrate: rate ate eat late bra brat rat beer crab cat bat bate tear tar car bear rate tab beat

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