How many members are/were in the high school band?

Okay I’m ready for the barrage of people saying I was a band geek. Well I was. And darn proud of it. :) :)

I played the saxophone from the 6-12 grades. I could tell you so many stories about the band trips, football games, and marching contests, but I won’t bore you. All I can say is that I wouldn’t have missed it for the world. – I can also play the drums, and the piano.

Was anyone else in the high school band? What instrument did you play? Can you still play it today?

Signed, proud and confident band geek!

Answer #1

Ahhh the memorys…(deep in thought)…ha ha.Yep I was a band Geek.1st time I tried to join I ,like all the other boys, wanted to play drums but the director said…” have trumpet lips” and I got the most beatiful sound out of that trumpet…Ok ..Ok ..To me it was beatiful but I guest it was sucky..But the next time I did join and yes I played trumpet ..Ha Ha and drums one year when we were with out drumers.But our band was small .Average 18-45..depending on if you count the support people (flag girls ,color gaurd..ect…) and those only wanted to join for the foot ball season to get in free and transportation.Every things in the county was sports driven so band people were out cast.I stayed with it from 7th -12.

Answer #2

hahah I used to be. I was in the drumline, sometimes if I was bored id do colorguard lol but then I quit and joined cross country and when the band would practice I would run to the beat and dance with them we were called the “bandos” or the “guardos” lol

Answer #3

I wasn’t in band..I had a few friends that were…during my 4 years of high school the number shrank from around 15 or 20 to..I’m not even kidding…seriously…3

Answer #4

It was really different at my junior high thats grade 7 to 9 and every person that was in band was considered cool or popular for playing a instrument. It was really funny but kind of cute because the whole band thing was back in. Now I’m in High school and the kids who used to be in band will never play again. Personally I hate band because I’m musically challenged

Answer #5

I played trumpet from 4th grade to 10th. After that I switched to flugle horn, french horn, and marching horn.

Our band was the shizzle. It was about 95 pieces, and we rocked the house. Our football team was terrible, (1-9 for my first 2 years) but our band kicked some serious @$$ at games and competitions.

I picked up the trumpet last week, and I couldn’t play it for beans.

Answer #6

I was in high school band. Started out on euphonium but changed to trombone so I could play in the jazz ensemble. I was the only freshman to make it into the honors band and I was always 1st chair in every band and ensemble. My band director even said I had enough talent to go all the way with it so I started out as a music major in college. I was a full time music major through my Junior year. After that I got interested in bicycle racing for a few years than after that I got into computers.

Answer #7

I was in the band from 6th grade until the first day of my 9th grade year and I played the flute!

“So, this one time… at band camp”… ummm… nevermind. I forgot. I never actually went to band camp! :)

Anyway, I was pretty good and we had the honor band and the symphonic band in Jr. High and I made the first chair out of the whole symphonic band… It was awesome! I quit the first day of my freshman year, because I was going to be a Mavette (drill team), but after a semester of dance, I decided to join the choir so that my extracurricular activity wouldn’t take up all my time and I could get an afterschool job (@ the good ol’ Marshall Cinema!)! It was a good call and I had a lot of fun through my high school years!

Answer #8

Well… I wasn’t in band, per se… but I did play cello in the orchestra from 6th grade through 12th grade… and even played a semester in college.

My school was… giant. With no exaggerations, my graduating class was 1,675 students, so we had a large pool from which to draw students for different extracurriculars. Our orchestra had well over one-hundred members, and our band had well over two-hundred…

Answer #9

I’ve been playing Trombone since 6th grade.

I love being a band geek… I love band camp stories… we should talk sometime and share stories… funmail me some time.

I want to hear stories


Answer #10

heh..yeah…they actually became known as the ‘pep’ band..and usually couldn’t even be heard over was sad…

Answer #11

Wow…that was a pretty small band…I guess marching at halftime at the games was out huh?

Answer #12

Awww…well kudos to the diehard band fans that stuck it out to the end. :)

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