How long should I wait?

Ok I’m really good friends with this girl and she went out with this guy for a year and like 2 weeks ago they broke up but I didn’t find out until yesterday my friends say it just happened well I’ve liked her for a while and I want to take our friendship to the next level she’s showed feelings towards me before they broke up but how long should I wait to start “talking”

Answer #1

2-3 more weeks. shes been going out with this guy for a YEAR. thats a lot of baggage. plus they have to exchange their old stuff. and they might get back together and you dont want to be in that drama. wait it out, but dont console her and let her cry on your shoulder bc then she’ll only see you as a friend. im a girl and I have no idea why I am giving you such strategic advice on bagging this chick…meh. lol good luck

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