How long does your nose ring bleed?

I’ve had my nose pierced for about 3 days now, and I understand that it takes about 6 weeks to heal and take the nose ring out. but I’m not sure how long it should keep bleeding for the fact that mine still is. it was doing great yesterday and all day today, then out of nowhere it started to bleed, and I didn’t notice it until all the blood was dried around it.

I’m not overly worried, just curious.

Answer #1

I’ve read and heard that a lot of peoples didn’t. but mine started bleeding the moment he pierced it. and sometimes its fine, and others not as much. its not like its excessive bleeding… I just wanted to make sure nothing’s overly wrong. I’ve been using H2Ocean Spray 3 times a day as directed.

but thanks for the imput.

Answer #2

Hm, well to be honest, mine didn’t bleed at all. But just make sure to clean it often and it should close up within a few days.

Answer #3

mine didnt bleed at all either.

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