How long?

Im only 15 but I have a boyfriend that is turning 17 on Christmas. We are very close & will be dating for about 5 1/2 months on his birthday. He says he wants to have sex with me for his birthday. Im not sure. I feel like im ready but I don’t know. I love him. But is 51/2 months long enough? How long should I wait?

Answer #1

wait until you’re absolutely positive you’re ready especially since there’s always a chance you could get pregnant. I’ve been with my boyfriend for almost 11 months and we haven’t yet, though it’s INCREDIBLY hard, b/c I don’t want to have a baby b/c I couldn’t have an abortion and I couldn’t possibly give it up and there’s still so much I need to accomplish before I can have kids. this decision is ultimately up to you but I’m glad you’re putting so much thought into it and that you’ve waited this long.

Answer #2

hmm well, it deends on a lot, ho deep does he care about you and how can you be sure of that? saying that he lves you and hell be with you forever doesnt it cut it, those arejust words, he needs to rove you hes worthy of being your love by showing it to you, im not saying he needs to buy you stuff or anything but does he do the little things that makes you happy? calling you every night, making you feel better, shows you off to his friends? etc etc, but anywayif he does do that and you feel like your ready maybe you should, but then again what are your morals? think about what kind of girl you want to be ok? just think it thru and decide whats best for you, and remember to have a condom and birth control! good luck (:

Answer #3

wait until your both comfortable with eachother and the idea of possible having kids together because there is a chance that you could get prego… but make sure your both 100% in love and ready for sex… good luck :)

p.s. birthday sex is always amazing, I gave it to my boyfriend on the 13th of november!

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Sex education, Intimacy, Relationship advice