How Legal is Blubster?

I want to know if it is safe to download albums from (especially expensive and hard to find ones)

Answer #1

Let’s get this clear once and for all –

File sharing is not illegal. File sharing programs like Blubster and Kazaa and Gnutella are not illegal.

What IS illegal is using those programs to download copyrighted material – movies, books, songs, albums – that you did not pay for. If you download music you don’t own, whatever the P2P program you use, you’re leaving a trace. Now, that’s not saying someone will automatically prosecute you for it, but if they ever choose to, you’ve left a nice trail for them to follow.

Stop being cheap. Songs are 99 bloody cents.

Answer #2

ISPs are cutting ppls connections to the com now too if they find out about copyright downloads so b careful ;)

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