How is this possiblee?

Hi, I’ve been speaking with this girl through MSN for a good 2-3 Years now on and off, I have these feelings for her which I cannot explain I think about her when I first wake up, and when I fall to sleep never mind throughout the day, So I have always wanted to meet her in the person, and I’ve bought it up lots of times, but she seems shy maybe, you wouldn’t have a phoncall with me but we are really close, so today I’ve decided to remove her due to I can’t handle the pain of not knowing what I feel for her, please if anyone could give me any information, is it possible to love through msn, without hearing/seeing in person the person? :/

Answer #1

Hey! well I kind of have the same thing, its just I met one of my best friends through the interenet…Me and her became friends really fast and now we text each other, all day every day..the thing is she lives all the way across the country and we have never met face to face, but we make it work! =), The internet can bring you such great friends so I totally know what your feeling..maybe she just isn’t ready to commit yet,,,do you know what skype is? maybe you could talk on there, and you would be face to face so it’s kind of like meeting in person..I would re-add her, cause you have feelings for her and it’s kind of tough just deleting her without an explanation. Hope this helps! and good luck!

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