How is being tall and skinny realy atractive???

Ok, im 14 and im about 5’7’ and im pretty thin, I weigh about 55kg. I acturly have a realy sexy body and im fit to be a super model. But people my age never compliment me. Is being tall atractive??? Or are they just jealous???

Answer #1

Being cocky isn’t attractive, as a matter fact its the complete opposite.

Boasting about your looks definitely won’t get people to appreciate what you have.

acturly have a realy sexy body and im fit to be a super model

Do you say stuff like this to people often? Its nice that you appreciate what you have but this is taking things a little to far. Your pretty much stating that you are a super model when in fact you are not. Most likely to me, they are not jealous just annoyed that you boast about your looks like this. Not everyone is good looking and if someone does actually give you a compliment appreciate it and don’t just say I know I am.

It all depends on the type of person, people have so many perspectives about what they find attractive so you can’t get a logical clear answer to this. All you can really get is preferences. If you do find someone you want to impress then find out what it is they like and see if you can somehow maintain your uniqueness and still bring out the things that person likes.

Answer #2

No, they’re not “just jealous”.

Don’t expect anyone to compliment you, normal people don’t go around doing that.

Answer #3

Im also tall & thin , it really sucks being tall cause everyone says stuff about your height . I HATE IT !!

Answer #4

lool Well Sexy and SupaModel don’t Match up Babe.. you gutta be Skinny and Curvy Ta B Sexy.. And Tall and lanky To B A Model… you aslo aint Tall enough 5”8 is Minimum 4 Modeling Mostly

Answer #5

thanks :)

Answer #6

its possible that being a bit up yourself makes you unnatractive to people some people might be jelouse but not EVERYONE thinks tall skinny people are attractive thats up to personal preferance and for your height you sound a bit underweight, which isnt healthy

Answer #7

rele lanky and skinny is not attractive my opinion.

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