How impotent namaz for a student???

I am a student of master degree.And regular namaz is sometimes not possible . I occasionally do namaz is it right or what should I do??

Answer #1

You do realize…there are very few muslim countries where they in fact, DRAG the populace to the mosque if they are caught on the street during prayer time, right? The only one I know for certain is Saudi Arabia.

Of course, you knew that, you’re educated, and getting a degree which less than .5% of the entire WORLD population attains…

so to me, this is a rhetorical question.

In other words: do what you believe is right. Sharia law is illegal under international treaty, very few countries follow it 100%, even among 100% islamic states. Does that mean the people in those countries are going to hell, even if they pray five times a day?

I don’t know…but, it’s an interesting question :) And if you break international law…th rest of the world will HATE your country, but, does that make it right to chop of a man’s arm or marry a 13 year old girl?

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