How: if you had to go thro tellin your parents your prego how hard is it?

If you were pregnant or if you still are, how hard is it to tell your parents your prego, and if your gunna ask if I am, I dont know, I think I could be, but how hard was it for u?

Answer #1

well im pregnant and it was very difficult to tell my boyfriend wasnt working and he doesnt have so much money as my I told them and I broke my parents hurt me to see them cry but I had to tell them sooner or later.either way things have gotten better my boyfriend took responsability and my parents are supportive now.sooner or later you have to tell your parents.its hard but in the end its best for you and your babys health.I wish you luck and hoped I helped:))

Answer #2

well when I got pregant I was19 Now iam21 years old. It took me a while to tell my mom I was pregnant. I was so scared I thught she was going to get mad and yell at me but she did not. she was fine with it. I Gess it depends how old are you if your older than 18 it be a lil easier for them. but if your yuonger than that they will take more serious and worry about yo your future and how you will take care of it if you got school. But if you dont know you are prego should go to the doctors and check if you are or not. Then if you are just tell her is a lil scary but you have to ok. Let me know if your gonna tell her I could help you out with tha tok.

Answer #3

its always really hard theres no easy was out except abortion but if you want your baby dont give it up for anything. telling your parents is 1 thing but the baby your carrying is wayyy more important. just tell them straight out with no fear. if you dont no keep taking pregnancy tests or see a doctor, or you can ask your mom… not dad yet if she can help you out. your father might freak a little bit.

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