How..girls that die there hair?

Okay, I had blonde hair and then I dyed it black and I looked even more pale..I waana dye my hair light light browen..but I did dye it and left it like 30 mintues I went to wash it and it turned it to dark dark you can’t tell wheather its black or dark do I dye it light brown and one try..

Answer #1

Just get hair lightener, its not as rough on to hair as bleach, then after put the color you want over it

Answer #2

You have to strip the colour…bleach it.

Even that won’t guarantee light brown though.

Answer #3

Sadly you have to bleach your hair then add the light brown.

You can always go darker in one try, but not lighter, cause you have to bleach then add the color. sorry

Answer #4

just be sure that you DO NOT go buy a box of light brown hair dye and dye over it. It could do something funny like turn sea green (happened to a friend of mine)

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